Saturday, October 23, 2010

Models and Properties of Products

Multiplication of Whole Numbers
For any whole numbers r and s, the product or r and s is the sum with s occurring r times. This is written as
                                    r x s = +++ . . . + s
                                                     r times

If r ¹ 0 and ¹ 0, r and s are called factors.

Models for Multiplication
Repeated Addition

Three groups of 6 to illustrate 6 + 6 + 6.

Rectangular Array

Shows the figures pushed together to form a 3 x 6 rectangle.

Tree Diagram
A tree diagram is useful for certain types of multiplication. Here is a learning about making tree diagrams video: Tree Diagram Video

Partial Products
When a two-digit number is multiplied by a two-digit number, there are four partial products.
                             x 13
           Partial          21   (3 x 7)
         products         30   (3 x 10)                             
                                70   (7 x 10)
                              100   (10 x 10)

                                          Number Properties
Closure Property of Multiplication
For any whole numbers a and b, a x b is a unique whole number  (the product of any two whole numbers is also a whole number).
                      (whole #) (whole #) = whole #
                      (even #) (even #) = even #
                      (odd #) (odd #) = odd #

Identity Property for Multiplication
For any whole number b, 1 x= b x = b, and 1 is a unique identity for multiplication (when number 1 is multiplied by another number, it leaves the identity of the number unchanged).
              1 x 7 = 7                   14 x 1 = 14                  1 x 0 = 0

Commutative Property for Multiplication
For any whole numbers a and b, a x = b x a (any product of two numbers may be interchanged (commuted) without affecting the product.
                347 x 26 = 26 x 347

Associative Property for Multiplication
For any whole numbers a, b, and c, a x (b x c) = (a x b) x c (in any product of  three numbers, the middle number may be associated with and multiplied by either of the two end numbers.
                   2 x (3 x 10) = (2 x 3) x 10 = 60

Distributive Property for Multiplication over Addition
For any whole numbers a, band c, a x (b + c) = a x ++ c.
                 7 x 8 = 7 x (7 + 1) = 49 + 7 = 56
                                Distributive property

Most of the information on this blog was taken from the text book: Mathematics for Elementary Teachers.

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